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Get ready for a transformative fitness journey like no other!

I'm Jo, a passionate 42-year-old mother of two, and fitness has been my lifelong obsession. With over 20 years of experience as a qualified personal trainer, fitness instructor, body pump enthusiast, and group exercise motivator, I've made it my mission to help you achieve your fitness goals.


But this isn't just about my professional achievements. It's about the unwavering determination and life-changing power of fitness. Armed with a Master of Science of Physical Education. I'm always diving deeper into the world of fitness, constantly expanding my knowledge and expertise.


After the incredible challenge of reclaiming my own body post-pregnancy, I embarked on a personal transformation that surpassed all expectations. Through sheer dedication and hard work, I defied the odds, sculpting my body into a symbol of resilience and strength. This personal triumph ignited my true calling: empowering others.

As your guide on this fitness journey, I've witnessed countless awe-inspiring transformations when individuals believe in themselves and commit wholeheartedly to their goals.


I've walked the path myself, experiencing the struggles, doubts, and moments of uncertainty. But I know the astonishing power that resides within each individual to conquer challenges and achieve greatness.


So, rest assured when I say, "I know what I'm talking about." My words are fuelled by personal experience, extensive knowledge, and an unwavering desire to witness your triumphs.


Let's embark on this incredible journey together!


With love,


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